Wyoming Outdoorsmen



Wyoming’s greatest natural resource is the minds of our children. Educating, inspiring and showing youth how is the passport to preserving Wyoming’s future.

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Wyoming Outdoorsmen

Wyoming Outdoorsmen (WyO) encourages 100s of youth and their family’s involvement in Wyoming’s outdoor heritage through several annual education and mentored in-the-field hunting & fishing programs funded by generous donations from individuals, local businesses, and our partners supporting conservation. Supported 100% by qualified volunteers, these program events include Hunter Education, Mentored opportunities for first time hunt hunters and anglers, and a Scholarship Program for those seeking higher education to pursue careers in or associated with the outdoors and conserving its natural resources.

As Wyoming Outdoorsmen organization sponsored Educational and Mentored Hunt events get scheduled and announced, you will find the program and registration details of those events on our WyO Monthly Newsletters as well as our Events & Announcements page. You will also find these announcements and enrollment details on our Wyoming Outdoorsmen’s Facebook and Instagram page – please Like & Follow WyO on Facebook.


Anyone born after January 1, 1966 is required to have a Hunter Education certification prior to obtaining a hunting license and go hunting in Wyoming.

Do you need your certification? …

Coordinating with the Wyoming Game & Fish Education program, WyO’s Hunter Education volunteers teach WYG&F certified in-person classes and provide all supplies and equipment. We make our classes as fun, educational and hands-on as possible. Join one of our classes and get a free Wyoming Outdoorsmen logo’d hat! You can find a Hunter Education Course near you to register for.

    • Your kids can apply for tags and hunt as well but must be at least 12 years old on or before December 31st of 2025
Reminder: A Hunter Safety Certificate is required of all hunters born on or after January 1, 1966 prior to obtaining a hunting license and go hunting in Wyoming. WyO can help you get signed-up for a Hunters Education Safety course.


Wyoming Outdoorsmen, in collaboration with the Wyoming Game & Fish ‘WY Hunt Fish’ program, and others, offers mentored hunting and fishing excursions  for those who otherwise may not get the opportunity to learn, see how and experience these actual in-the-field activities. The programs take place throughout the year and all are designed using best practices to develop self-sufficiency by focusing on teaching and demonstrating skills and providing boots on the ground hunting and fishing experiences with a knowledgeable mentor.

Wyoming Outdoorsmen provides loaner gear and equipment as well as access to some of the best fishing and hunting experiences in the State. These events are conducted at no cost to the participants, thanks to generous donations. Space is limited! Applications  typically start in March of each year!

Women’s and Girl’s Hunter Ed Class events and announcement


Wyoming Outdoorsmen offers a Scholarship Program to WyO Members that is funded by proceeds from the annual WyO Banquet, donations, and an endowment created by generous supporters who share the desire to preserve Wyoming’s outdoor heritage for the long term.

Scholarships are available to WyO Members seeking a higher education to pursue careers in the outdoors such as wildlife biologists, game wardens, etc. Preference is given to those who are planning to pursue their careers supporting preserving Wyoming’s outdoor heritage. The application cycle typically starts in November and ends by mid-March.

If you are interested in applying, please see the Scholarship Program  and download the Scholarship Rules and Application Form.